Second Campaign Raised $3,070,167
Highlights coming soon

First Campaign Raised $4,220,131
A new era for Delta Kappa Epsilon’s Psi Chapter and The University of Alabama has begun. As plans for The University of Alabama football stadium expansion progressed, the DKE alumni leadership were forced to assess their future on campus.

After months working with the University to establish a site on Old Row for the construction of a new facility, DKE was able to acquire the Old Gorgas house and a portion of Beta’s property to secure the last remaining lot on Old Row.

The House Corporation engaged the professional services of Holmes & Holmes Architects to develop the design of their new facility, a 25,000 square foot facility that more than doubles the size of the old chapter house and sleeps 29 men. Their fraternity fundraising efforts allowed them to:

  • Increase capacity by 13 members (29 total)

  • Upgrade to a state-of-the-art kitchen with serving line

  • Enlarge the dining room

  • Build a new chapter room

  • Offer laundry facilities

  • Create a new housemother suite

  • Configure 29 single-man study rooms with shared or private bathrooms

  • Offer suite-style bedroom and living areas

  • Offer computer facilities with enhanced accessibility

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