Second Campaign Raised $2,883,222
Highlights coming soon
First Campaign Raised $818,336
FarmHouse fraternity at Kansas State University will renovate their chapter house with an emphasis placed on providing ample social and study space and access to technology. In all areas, the architect has been instructed to address mandatory building and fire code requirements. In addition, they have placed a special emphasis on the use of practical and durable building materials, finishes, and fixtures. The aim is a high-quality, durable facility that will provide a safe living and learning environment. Through fundraising efforts, the plans include:
Expand the house from 14,160 square feet to more than 23,000 square feet
Provide bed space for 76 men
Double the size of the dining room to allow seating for 100
Create two group study lounges
Provide project room to allow for large group gatherings and events
Add a modern security and fire alarm system